Makroskopische Anatomie, Embryologie und Histologie des Index: 1–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Multi-polar sympathetic ganglion cells are found between chromeaffin cells. Depending on the production of adrenaline and norepinephrine, the chromeaffin cells are distinguished between the A (95%) and N cells (5%). The adrenal medulla contains chromeaffin cells (catecholamine production), which are arranged in strands with intervening blood sinus. The mineralocorticoids are produced from the zona glomerulosa, the glucocorticoids and androgens mostly from the zona fascicularis and reticularis.

The assignment of the adrenal hormone production to individual layers is not fully possible. Microscopic Anatomy (Histology) of the adrenal glands Adrenal CortexĪ thin capsule covers the adrenal cortex from outside to inside the cortex consists of three layers:

The weight of the two adrenal glands is about 8 g. The adrenal glands are a paired endocrine organ located in the retroperitoneum above the upper poles of the kidneys. Anatomy of the Adrenal Glands (3/3): Catecholamins.Anatomy of the Adrenal Glands (2/3): Corticosteroids.Anatomy of the Adrenal Glands (1/3): Gross appearance, vascular supply, innervation.You are here: Urology Textbook > Anatomy > Adrenal Glands Anatomy of the Adrenal Glands