Mirror plugin sketchup 2014
Mirror plugin sketchup 2014

It is not available from Extension Warehouse but is at  (we are evaluating an alternative plugin called Guide Tools available at ) Center Point Version 1.20 – this plugin allows you to create a point at the center of the object or objects selected.It’s available at the Extension Warehouse at  .

Mirror plugin sketchup 2014

MOL molecular model files into SketchUp for using SketchUp tools to enhance the model.

  • Molecule Importer – this plugin allows importing.
  • Mirror plugin sketchup 2014

    It’s available at the Extension Warehouse at.

  • Selection Toys 2.3.6 – this plugin has several tools for carefully selecting unique sets of objects.
  • CLF Shape Bender 0.6.1 – this plugin allows bending complex shapes around curved surfaces or edges.
  • It has not been submitted to Extension Warehouse but is available at.
  • Unfold Tool – this plugin will unfold a 3D object into a flat piece à la origami.
  • This plugin has not been submitted to the Extension Warehouse but is available at.
  • Stray Lines Version 1.0 – this plugin erases dangling lines to clean up a design.
  • Please note that it requires another plugin from Smustard called Progress Bar. It has not been submitted to the Extension Warehouse but can be downloaded from.
  • MakeFaces Version 1.4 – this plugin helps make a face using the edges as long as they are coplanar.
  • Solid Inspector is available directly from the Extension Warehouse at  .
  • Solid Inspector 1.2.0 – this plugin is somewhat complementary to FixSolid in that it helps the designer identify the errors that can keep an object from being able to be 3D printed, but it cannot fix them, itself.
  • Unfortunately, this plugin has not yet been submitted to the Extension Warehouse so it must be downloaded from ) being “manifold”) which is a requirement for 3D printing.
  • FixSolid Version 1.7 – this plugin helps fix errors in a design that prevent it from being a closed shell (a.k.a.
  • Mirror plugin sketchup 2014

    This plugin is available directly from the Extension Warehouse and can be downloaded by visiting, logging in, and downloading. Importing is done by selecting File > Import > selecting STL file format, and exporting is done by selecting File > Export STL. There are several STL plugins, but I suspect that one written by the SketchUp developers would be the best for integrating with SketchUp.

    Mirror plugin sketchup 2014

  • SketchUp STL – this plugin is needed to import and export STL files.
  • Here are some recommended extensions as an update to those previously assembled here. There is an Extension Warehouse that can be called by clicking on the button (below) located on the toolbar. Trimble SketchUp now hosts a repository for SketchUp plugins that one can access and install directly from SketchUp Make or Pro. As mentioned previously, SketchUp 2014 has a new scheme for installing plugins.

    Mirror plugin sketchup 2014